Modernes Industriegebäude mit dem Logo „solo“ auf der Fassade, klarem Himmel und einer kleinen Sitzecke am Eingang.


High quality - Made in Germany - and constructive creativity have made SOLO a strong brand name.


About SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH

SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH is a medium-sized family business based in Sindelfingen, in the heart of the economic region around Stuttgart. SOLO has been developing, producing and selling sprayers and sprayers for crop protection, cleaning and disinfection as well as cutting grinders for the construction sector on global markets for over 70 years .

In addition to its headquarters in Sindelfingen, southern Germany, SOLO has partners and subsidiaries worldwide to meet the needs of its customers. Quality and customer proximity are the reasons why SOLO products are used in almost every country in the world.

High quality - Made in Germany - and constructive creativity have made SOLO a strong brand name.

Over 70 years of SOLO - Chronicle

SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH is a traditional company with a long and eventful company history. We have compiled the most important stages of the company's history for you in a chronicle. Starting with the company's founding, through global innovations, to the generational change and the most current topics such as the Corona pandemic, you will find all the important events in our chronicle:

Ein Schwarzweißbild eines Mannes in Anzug und Hut, der auf einer nassen Straße steht

1948: Company founded

Company founded: 10 February 1948 Entry in the commercial register: 10 May 1948 Shareholders and managing directors: Hans Emmerich and Heinz Emmerich

Ein altes Schwarzweißfoto eines Mannes mit Zylinder, der eine altmodische Filmkamera bedient.

1951: The world’s first backpack-mounted motor sprayer

Development of the world's first backpack motor sprayer (also at the Deutsches Museum). The first 100 devices already helped this revolutionary plant protection method to achieve a breakthrough. Instead of using stationary motor pumps, long hoses and numerous assistants, you can work "solo". The later brand name is born.

Schwarzweißbild eines herkömmlichen benzinbetriebenen Rasenmähers mit sichtbarem Motor und vier Rädern.

1956: First lawn mower

After the huge success of the backpack sprayers, motor hoes and the first series-produced motor lawn mowers are successfully launched onto the market.

Orangefarbenes Moped mit Ständer auf hellblauem Hintergrund, mit freiliegendem Motor und hohem Lenker.

1970: Vehicles made by SOLO - Part 1

A completely new production line is being started with mopeds and scooters.

Innenansicht eines Lagerhauses mit roten Rohren darüber, Regalen voller Kisten und einem Gabelstapler im Einsatz.

1986: Site expansion

The 1,000,000th SOLO motor sprayer »Port 423« rolls off the assembly line. Daily production now 1,000 motor devices and almost 800 hand-operated sprayers. Further expansion of the Daun spraying plant and construction of a new shipping hall to centralize the delivery of goods from the Sindelfingen plant.

Ein Blick auf eine moderne Anlage mit großen weißen Gebäuden, umgeben von Grün, unter einem klaren blauen Himmel, mit einem Straßenschild mit der Aufschrift „Kastanie“ und einem Vorfahrt-Achten-Schild im Vordergrund.

1996: 10 million SOLO devices and expansion in Newport News (VA)

The constantly increasing sales of crop protection equipment, especially in the USA, makes a new building in Newport News necessary, where plastic backpack sprayers are completely manufactured. Since the company SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH was founded, over 10 million SOLO devices have been produced and sold in almost every country in the world.

Schnittansicht eines rot-schwarzen Solo 154-Laubbläsermotors mit Beschriftungen, die den Durchfluss des Luft- und Kraftstoffgemischs anzeigen.

2005: New 2-stroke technology for best emission values

SOLO is developing the stratified charging system. With the new technology, the exhaust emissions for 2-stroke engines can be reduced significantly below the limits required in the future. The professional brush cutters 142/154 and 155 are the first devices to be equipped with the necessary duct technology and are thus prepared for stratified charging.

Bild eines SOLO Trennschleifers

2011: SOLO starts cutting machine production

Cutting grinders 880 and 881 - Now a new chapter in the company's history begins with the first generation of cutting grinders and this with the world first iLube®: Solo develops the first separately lubricated cutting grinders in the world!

Bild mit SOLO Pro Sptizen

2015: New PRO syringes

New “PRO” models of the 425, 475 and 456 sprayers are coming onto the market and their features are consistently geared to the needs of professional users with a telescopic tube, brass nozzle and the newly developed carrying system for backpack sprayers.

Werbebild für die Veranstaltung Issa Interclean Amsterdam mit Logos und Daten sowie einer Reihe einzelner Sprühgeräte für Reinigungsmittel und einem Rucksack-Sprühgerät.

2016: SOLO CLEANLine - special syringes for cleaning and disinfection

A new product line is being created based on selected sprayers that specifically meet the requirements of professional cleaning. Of course, not without innovation: The patented "varioFOAM" foam nozzle on the two foam sprayers makes it possible for the first time to adjust the foam quality without contact with the medium - just by simply turning the adjustment wheel.

Logo von Solo in rot-weißem Design mit der Zahl 70, Strahlen, die von einer Tasse ausgehen, und dem Text „1948–2018 Jahre“, der auf ein 70-jähriges Jubiläum hinweist.

2018: SOLO turns 70

Since 1948, SOLO devices have been a fixture in gardens, landscapes and forests. The company's history is exciting, marked by many innovations. And by changes. Our company history, which you are currently browsing, gives you an insight.

441 Akku Spritze

2020: New battery-powered sprayer SOLO 441

The new SOLO 441 represents the entry-level class in battery-powered plant protection. The robust lightweight is equipped with a lithium-ion interchangeable battery that provides up to three hours of continuous operation and can be recharged in just two hours.