Zwei Personen pflanzen junge Pflanzen in ein Hochbeet und konzentrieren sich auf das grüne Laub. Ihre Hände sind sichtbar, ihre Gesichter jedoch nicht zu sehen.

Plant protection & plant care

Are you looking for the right syringe or sprayer? Then discover our products!

Nahaufnahme einer nassen schwarzen Autooberfläche mit Regentropfen, mit Fokus auf dem Seitenspiegel und dem unscharfen Umriss der Karosserie.

Cleaning & Disinfection

Are you looking for the right syringe or foam sprayer? Then discover our products!

Luftaufnahme von Bauarbeitern, die Pläne eines großen Betonfundaments mit sichtbaren Bewehrungsstäben überprüfen.

Construction & Landscape Maintenance

Are you looking for the right cutting machine or blower? Then discover our products!


Fast delivery

Fast delivery, happy customers ❤

Online and on site

Maximum flexibility when shopping

Service and repair

Top service and warranty repairs for all devices from the online shop.

Secure payment

Secure payments – simple and reliable

Spraying, spraying and spreading with SOLO: Perfect helpers for every application

Whether for private use in your own garden or as a professional: With the robust and extremely versatile products from SOLO you can meet any challenge. Be it for professional plant protection, cleaning and disinfection or even for use in the construction industry - with SOLO you always benefit from high quality and performance.

Logo mit dem Text „Made in Germany“ um einen Kreis in den Farben der deutschen Flagge: Schwarz, Rot und Gold auf schwarzem Hintergrund.


Since 1948, SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH has been the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality syringes and sprayers with the well-known high German quality standards.

Rotes Pfeilsymbol, das sich in drei Richtungen aufteilt: links, rechts und nach oben.


Adjustable nozzles & extensive accessories for versatile applications

Logo der European Sprouter Manufacturer Association (ESMA) mit dem Akronym in Grün und einem stilisierten Sprossendesign.


SOLO is a member of ESMA and together we ensure high-quality and safe products on the market. Safe sprayers – Made in Europe!

Rotes Klemmbrettsymbol mit einem angehängten Dokument, begleitet von einer Uhr, die das Zeitmanagement oder die Frist anzeigt.


Battery-powered sprayers with powerful batteries or lithium-ion batteries

SOLO CLEANline: Cleaning & disinfection with acidic & alkaline agents.

A comprehensive and versatile range of devices. Ideal for demanding applications such as cleaning and disinfection in the home, as well as for vehicle care inside and out. The SOLO CLEANline sprayers with their special seals and components show their strengths particularly when cleaning with chemically non-neutral cleaning agents.

Ein Mechaniker mit einem Schraubenschlüssel steht neben einem goldenen Auto in einer gut ausgestatteten Garage mit Werkzeugen und Schränken an den Wänden.
Modernes Industriegebäude mit dem Logo „solo“ auf der Fassade, klarem Himmel und einer kleinen Sitzecke am Eingang.

SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH With SOLO quality to excellent results - The better choice since 1948

SOLO has a long tradition in the protection and care of plants and crops. SOLO Kleinmotoren GmbH was founded over 70 years ago in the wine-growing region of Stuttgart. Its lightweight two-stroke engine made it possible for the first time to protect large areas of plants on its own – hence the name.

Today, SOLO products are valued worldwide for their quality, performance and versatility of use. They are used in private gardens, vineyards in France, cocoa plantations in Africa, cotton crops in Asia, coffee plantations in South America and for disinfection campaigns in large buildings.

SOLO's plant protection, cleaning and disinfection program offers a wide range of high-quality, user-friendly devices - from small hand sprayers to powerful sprayers with large filling volumes or innovative foam sprayers.